Basic Definition of GOLD

Webster dictionary defines gold as the most malleable and ductile metal, yellow metallic element that occurs chiefly free or in a few minerals and is used especially in coins, jewelry, and dentures.

Malleable means it can be hammered by beating or by pressure of rollers, extended or shaped down into a thin gold sheet or film. In fact it can be made thinner than the thinnest paper available. A weight of 31.1 grams can cover 68 square feet (0.0001 inch thin).

Ductile means it can be drawn out of a tungsten-carbide hole, just like making a copper wire. It can be make finer than our human hair, to a point that our eye almost can not see.

Gold is relatively soft, corrosion-resistant element. Do not corrode in air, but is tarnished by sulfur. A good thermal and electrical conductor. Melting point is 1,063 degree Centigrade and boiling point is 2,800 degree Centigrade.

The above descriptions refer only to 24 Karat gold.

You can say that copper is soft evidently it is easily bend, but will crack and break when reach to certain thinnest and finest. Lead too.

Source - Web

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